Professor Rolandino Guidotti is a civil lawyer, admitted to practice before the Italian Supreme Court.
He practices mainly in the cities of Modena, Bologna and Milan advising on a variety of matters, including corporatelaw and bankruptcy and debtrestructuring issues and on corporate transactions, including drafting and negotiation of share purchase agreements. Prof. Guidotti advises both private individuals and companies.
He advises both public and private health institutions, such as hospitals, municipalities and entities such as banks and insurance companies, and assists clients in professional malpracticeliability cases (medical and other categories). Prof. Guidotti has considerable experience in shareholder disputes, board of directors duties and liabilities, as well as corporate and commercial disputes.
On bankruptcy and debt restructuring matters, Prof. Guidotti advises clients both with respect to litigation and financial issues.
When appropriate, Prof. Guidotti involves, and cooperates with, other professionals whom he deems most suitable for solving specific client issues.
Prof. Guidotti also acts as a bankruptcy trustee, is a member of the board of arbitrators as well as an independent member of director board.
A university professor since 2007, Prof. Guidotti currently teaches Commercial, DebtRestructuring and FinancialMarketsLaw on the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna, Department of Legal Studies.
Prof. Guidotti has authored numerous books, articles and over one hundred research studies and analyses on the subjects mentioned above as well as on arbitration.
Prof. Guidotti is involved in several research projects, together with the Faculties of Law of the City University of London and the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, addressing questions of domestic and international law regarding corporate and debt restructuring in Italy.
Prof. Guidotti has been a speaker at conferences of national and international studies on Business Law and Business Crisis Law.
For many years, he has been regularly involved in training courses, seminars and masters at many institutions.